Generally speaking the most expensive cards on the market right now are £700+ and will easily play games in Ultra, Support VR and 4k Displays and have DX12 Support for Windows 10 Users.
But what people tend to forget is that a card with the same features and support list, which can boast the same settings in most games, costs a fraction of that and performs at least 80% as well!!
Right now the Overclocked 4gb Gigabyte TI revision of the GTX1050 is a clear winner in the bang for your buck category. Unlike it’s cousins, this baby does need a 6pin power connection from the psu, most are able to be powered solely from the pci-express slot. But it perorms better, looks better, has a 2nd fan and still only uses about 125w of power. This is a great time to pick up a card that replaces the infamous 750ti as the best value Graphics Card on the market. It ticks all the performances boxes the GTX1080 does, but it’s under £150 as opposed to £700 – £800. Why would you consider anything else?
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